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  • Civil

    The Civil Division assists parties with cases involving: recovery of money or property in non-contract civil disputes or contract enforcement; civil rights, and, landlord tenant actions. Petitions to Change Name and various writs are also handled by the Civil Division.

  • Criminal

    The Criminal Department files, processes, and maintains criminal records of misdemeanor and felony filings within Plumas County.

  • Family Law

    The Family Law department has jurisdiction over cases involving marital and domestic partnership relationships, relationships between parents and children, and domestic violence matters.

  • Juvenile

    Juvenile cases involve juvenile dependency and juvenile delinquency.

  • Probate

    Probate court handles the transferring of legal ownership of people's property after they die.

  • Small Claims

    Small Claims court is to resolve minor disputes quickly, inexpensively, and fairly. In general, small claims are limited lawsuits that amount to under $12,500.

  • Traffic

    Traffic Court handles cases that usually begin when a citation or ticket is written by a law enforcement officer. Tickets can be issued for violations of traffic laws and other non-traffic offenses.

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