Record Searches
Record Search Information
California Rules of Court provide the public with reasonable access to court records for viewing and copying. Court case files are public records and are subject to public inspection. California Rules of Court, Rule 2.550(a) says that all court records are presumed to be open unless they are considered confidential by law or are sealed by court order. Access to confidential cases is limited to parties of that case. Government-issued photo identification must be shown.
Before You Begin - There are a Few Things to Know
Juvenile Court Files
- All Juvenile Court records are confidential. The minor, his or her parents or legal guardian(s), and attorneys of record may obtain copies of court minutes and selected court documents in person at the Courthouse with photo identification. The records will not be mailed.
- Aside from parties or agencies granted access as provided by law, other individuals must follow the procedures detailed in California Rules of Court, Rule 5.552(c).
Sealed Records
Court proceedings are a matter of public record. However, the court has the power to seal court records. When a judge seals a record, the public is prevented from viewing specified files or documents without first obtaining a court order.
Destroyed Files/File Purging
Pursuant to Government Code Section 68152, Plumas Superior Court routinely purges court records.
Get a Copy of a Court File
There are multiple ways to obtain a copy of a court record. Records may be requested:
By Submitting an Online Request
In Person
By Coming to the Courthouse
By Mail
By Mailing a Request to the Court
Click the button below to access an online form you can use to submit your Record Search request electronically to the court.
In Person
Go to the Clerk's Office in Room 104 of the Plumas County Courthouse located at 520 Main Street in Quincy, CA.
- Provide the court staff in the Clerk's Office with a completed Record Search Request form including the case number(s) and name(s) you are looking for.
- Photo identification may be requested and required to view certain case files.
- The clerk will pull a maximum of 10 cases per request, per customer, per transaction. Note: certain case files are stored off-site. You may be requested to return at a later date to view the records.
- Case information (that is public record) and record searches requested by a non-party will be assessed a records search fee (GC 70627(c)) for all searches requiring more than 10 minutes.
- Copies of records can be ordered from the case at 50¢ per page. (A page is defined as one side of a document.)
- Please allow 5 to 7 court business days for processing. Court staff will contact you when your copy request has been completed or you will be given a pick-up date at the time your request is submitted. You must pay for copies before they are made!
By Mail
Send a completed Record Search Request form along with any necessary information or attachments to the Clerk's Office:
Plumas Superior Court
520 Main Street
Room 104
Quincy, CA 95971
Mail Request Requirements & Payment
- A self-addressed stamped envelope with sufficient postage to have your copies returned to you must be included with your request form.
- Payment for a $15.00 research fee that applies if your request takes more than 10 minutes (GC 70627(c)) to complete must be included for each case included with your search request. If the search is concluded in 10 minutes or less, the $15.00 fee will be returned to you.
- Once your request has been processed and copy, certification, and other fees have been calculated, the court will contact you at the telephone number provided on the request form to make arrangements for payment.
- A receipt indicating the fees charged will be mailed back to you with your copies.
- Copy requests received by mail may take several weeks to process.
Methods of Payment
The court accepts:
- Cash
- Check or Money Order made payable to Plumas Superior Court
- Credit Cards (Visa and Mastercard)