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Restraining Orders

Plumas Superior Court accepts eDelivery (electronic delivery) of Domestic Violence & Gun Violence Restraining Order documents. See the Domestic Violence Restraining Order and Gun Violence Restraining Order pages for additional information.

Domestic Violence Restraining Order  Gun Violence Restraining Order

Which Kind of Restraining Order Do I Need?

A Restraining Order is an order issued by the Court to protect a person from harm or harassment.

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There are different types of restraining orders, so it’s important to ensure you request the one that best fits your situation. Use the table below to identify the type of restraining order that applies to your circumstances. Select the appropriate type to learn more about the protection it offers and determine whether it’s the right choice for you.

Situation Types of restraining orders
You need protection from someone you had a relationship with (more than friends), like your spouse, an ex, or you child's other parent. Or you need protection from a close family member like your child, parent, grandparent, or sibling (not an aunt or uncle or cousin). Domestic Violence
You need protection from someone you never had a relationship with (never more than friends) and are not closely related to. For example, you need protection from a neighbor, aunt or uncle, or coworker. Civil Harassment
Someone who is either 65 or older or a dependent adult needs protection from someone else (like a caretaker or adult child) who is abusing or neglecting them. Elder/Dependent Abuse
Typically, a police officer or sheriff who thinks someone might hurt themselves or someone else with a gun. This can stop that person from buying or owning a gun. It can't order them to stay away from someone. Gun Violence
An employer who needs to protect one of their employees. Workplace Violence

What is the next step?

  • Responding to a Restraining Order (Domestic Violence, Gun Violence, Elder Abuse, or Civil Harassment):
    Carefully read the papers served on you. The Notice of Court Hearing will indicate when you need to appear in court. There may also be a Temporary Restraining Order that forbids you from certain actions. You must comply with this order until the hearing, even if you disagree with it. For more information about responding to specific restraining orders, visit the California Courts' Self-Help website:
  • If a Restraining Order has been issued against you: You are prohibited from owning or possessing firearms or ammunition effective immediately. If you currently have firearms or ammunition, you must surrender them to law enforcement or a licensed gun dealer within 24 hours of being served with the order. You cannot transfer them to a friend or family member. You are also required to complete and file form DV-800 with the court to demonstrate compliance. For more details, visit the California Courts' Self-Help page: How to Obey Orders Prohibiting Firearms and Ammunition.
  • Filing and Responding to Other Types of Restraining Orders:
    Visit the California Courts' Self-Help page: Types of Restraining Orders, and follow the links for detailed information about other types of restraining orders.

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